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embarrass them to ask her to vacate her room. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she
turned to Lady Glenmore.
 My lady, you and your family have been most kind to me. I have enjoyed my time
with you, although once or twice I came close to running away. She smiled brilliantly
at Lord Glenmore.
 And we have been very happy to have you with us. Is that not so, Richard? His
mother raised her brows.
 Never mind him, Dolly interjected.  I spent the best part of a week with
Catherine while you were in London, and lucky I was to find such an unexpected and
memorable welcome home after soldiering in India. You re a sly old fox, Richard. You
never mentioned having a beautiful companion.
Catherine bent her head to hide the blushes heating her cheeks. Dolly was so sweet,
and his mother and Mr. Edward had done everything possible to make her stay
pleasant. Only he had been difficult& and that had changed for the better until he
returned from London.
Still moody and unpredictable, Lord Glenmore shifted from light to dark without
warning. Like as not, he d speak up now, and she d be able to take her leave, tomorrow,
if possible.
 Catherine. She raised her eyes when he spoke to her.  I have benefited from your
presence, even when you threw a book at me.
Anita Birt
 But you threw one first, she sputtered. For the first time since he d returned
home, he smiled at her. A real smile. Not a chilly, polite smile.
 As I was saying, before you interrupted me, you were very persistent. I could not
get rid of you, no matter how hard I tried. So I finally gave in. He paused.  Thank you
for putting up with me.
Catherine knew she was going to cry. Fumbling a handkerchief from her skirt
pocket, she pressed it against her eyes, and stopped the tears.  I& uh& that is what I
wished to speak about. Lord Glenmore, you no longer require a companion. She
turned to his mother.  With your permission, my lady, I will leave tomorrow and
return to London.
 You ll do nothing of the kind. Lord Glenmore snapped.  I will decide when I no
longer require a companion.
 Richard, please do not speak to Catherine in that manner. Lady Glenmore drew
in a deep breath.  I would very much like you to remain until after the party, my dear.
Then I shall make arrangements for your return to London. Having you here has been a
delight, a change from being the only female in a family of men.
Dolly stood, and raised his glass of wine.  A toast to Catherine, may she dance the
night away with me at the party.
Lightheaded, thinking she might faint for the second time in her life, Catherine
willed herself to remain calm. A guest at Dolly s party? A guest like other guests? How
would she be introduced? How to account for her presence in the house?
 Thank you, my lady. You are very kind. And thank you, Dolly for your toast. I am
not sure about dancing the night away. She straightened her back.  If Lord Glenmore
wishes me to continue as his companion until my contract expires, I shall do so.
He raised his glass.  Excellent. Perhaps you will accompany me to the stables this
His change of mood caught her by surprise.  I will be pleased to do so, my lord. Do
you intend to ride?
 I may.
 Then I shall go with you. Dolly announced.  You ll need some assistance to get
the hang of using that newfangled leg.
If looks could kill, his brother would be dead on the spot. Much as he loved Dolly,
Richard wished to spend time alone with Kate. To apologize for his boorish remarks. To
make her smile. Not the fake smile she d flashed at him moments ago. Her usual
friendly smile.
The way she d smiled at Dolly when he raised his glass spoke volumes. Kate cared
for him, that was obvious, but if he thought to steal every dance with her at the party,
then they had best have it out before the guests arrived. His companion owed him a
waltz or two.
A Very Difficult Man
Dolly would have the rest of his life to be with her. Whereas he could only claim her
attention for another few weeks. Would they marry here or in London? As head of the
family, he might insist they exchange their vows at the church in Abbeyleigh, and
receive their guests at the manor. Kate s London home was not sizable enough to host a
large party, and her mother s finances would certainly not stretch beyond a small
Although Kate had never once discussed her family difficulties, his queries in
London had shed light on the subject. He would finance the wedding. Dolly had his
own fortune. They d not lack for money.
 This is as good a time as any to tell you. Dolly tipped back in his chair looking
pleased with himself.
 Tell us what? Richards s gut tightened. Was he about to declare his intention to
ask for Kate s hand? Without discussing it with him? Had he called on Lady Jane
Thurston when they were in London?
 I m resigning my commission. I ve decided to give up soldiering and do
something different.
 Like what? Richard asked. Dolly loved army life. What had changed his mind?
 Head for the colonies. Canada, to start. It s closest. Gold fever is rife on the west
coast. I might try my hand at prospecting.
A hush fell over the table. Richard studied Kate s face to see her reaction. Surely
Dolly did not intend to drag her into the wilds of Canada.
A broad smile on her lips, she cupped her hands under her chin.  What a
wonderful adventure! I know someone who hopes to take ship for Victoria. That s on
the west coast, is it not? She expects to be on her way within weeks.
Dolly laughed.  Sounds like you have a courageous friend. Not many young
women take readily to long sea voyages.
 When did you decide to quit the army? Richard asked.  You said nothing about it
in London. I m sure Mother is as surprised as I at your news.
Dolly shrugged.  Been thinking about it for a while but coming home really
convinced me to resign. I was tired of being shot at, for one thing, and wanted to try my
luck in the colonies, for another. The whole world is out there waiting for me.
 But you ve only just come home. Why I ve scarcely seen you. You re not leaving
soon, I hope. Lady Glenmore signaled the footman to clear the plates.
 Don t worry, Mother. I ll be here all summer. After serving in India, I want
nothing more than to enjoy the peace and quiet of the English countryside. Catherine
and I will have fine times together.
Kate sat forward in her chair.  But I ll not be here for the summer, Dolly. I return to
London within weeks.
Anita Birt
 Then we shall invite you to stay. The air in London is not healthy in the summer.
Much better for you to remain here. Dolly grinned at her.
 Perhaps Miss Thurston has other plans. Richard frowned at his brother. Devil [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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