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started to tremble; his hands pulled her ass to him with heated movement.
 Sheri&  he called out as he lost control.
The sensation of his seed emptying into her forced one of the most
powerful orgasms of her life. Fluid gushed between her legs, and she
came a second time as her body tightened around him, prolonging her
Joined, they slumped together, panting. Sweat pearled on her brow.
She was positive that she d look as though she d just been fucked when
they left the room. The complete rush of joy filling her at that moment
couldn t be masked.
Kilt-A-Licious by Catherine Bybee
 I love that look on yer face, Chase said.
 You put it there, she chuckled.
 That I did. I ve missed ye, Sheri. I m sorry to have been away for
so long. His cock slipped out of her heated flesh, slowly. A warm trickle
of cum slid down her leg.
She didn t know what to say that wouldn t sound completely
pathetic. I missed you, too was on the tip of her tongue.
She opened her mouth to tell him when he said,  If Logan s land
wasn t under a threat, I d have only been gone a day.
 Threat? Her heated skin started to chill.  What kind of a threat?
 Nothing to worry yer wee head about. All is fine now.
Forgiving his wee head comment for the time being, she
concentrated on her friend.  Was anyone hurt? Is Jane okay? Her
questions ran into one another. Damn, what s a threat in his world?
Swords? Blood? She swallowed hard with worry.
 Jane s fine. A few of our men were wounded, but we fared well&
this time.
The weight of what he told her rolled on her like waves on the
sand. What was his life like? Did people die every day? Although she d
considered the time in which he lived most of his life, the reality of the
medieval life was only in the history books.
She d hated history in school.
Chase wasn t history. He was a living, breathing, medieval man,
forcing her out of her own comfortable bubble of reality. Sheri adjusted
her clothing, as did Chase.  I can t begin to imagine your life, she said
once she d smoothed her top down.
 Perhaps you will once you ve seen it.
 See it? What do you mean?
Chase stroked her arm.  Jane wants you at her wedding. She asked
that I bring you to her.
 To Scotland? In&  She lowered her voice.  In your time?
 Of course.
 The wedding is set for next week.
Kilt-A-Licious by Catherine Bybee
She pushed herself off the wall and paced.  A week? That s fast.
 When two people are in love, there is no reason to wait. And in
love they are.
Sometimes love expires. Like mom, dad and nana. She hated where her
thoughts led.  Yeah, I guess. Why not, right?
Chase smiled as if he d been granted a wish.
A knock on the door startled them both.  Sheri, we re getting busy
out here.
 Just a minute. She reached for the door.  I gotta go.
 But you will come with me, for Jane, right?
 She s my best friend. Of course I ll go.
* * * * *
Chase sat on the far side of the bar drinking his ale while he
watched Sheri work. She d told him he could go, that she d catch up with
him later, but he knew better. Like when she d run away before, she d
squirm her way out of his presence and possibly disappear and avoid
Jane s wedding. He told himself he stayed for the good of his friend,
Logan, and his future wife Jane, but he knew he didn t want Sheri
disappearing for good. Already she mourned the loss of her friendship
with Jane. Chase saw that without even looking for it. No, he d stay and
see her home safely, or at the very least use her traveling alone at night as
an excuse to stay by her side. Maybe she d agree to him warming her bed
for the entire week before Logan and Jane s wedding.
 Hey, Lori. A man sat at the bar beside him and signaled the
 Oh hi, Jason.
The name made Chase take a longer look at the man. Sheri slid up
alongside the bar and asked Lori for another order. Chase slid a hand over
her hip and was rewarded with a smile.
 Hey, Jason. What brings you here? Sheri asked.
 I was close by and thought I d walk ya home.
Chase pulled Sheri closer.
Kilt-A-Licious by Catherine Bybee
 Never mind, Jason said, his eyes swaying to Chase s possessive
hand on Sheri s waist.  It looks like someone is already here to do that. A
smirk played over the other man s face.
 I have to work, Chase. Sheri slapped his hand away before
stacking drinks on her tray and stepping away.
Chase settled his hands on top of the bar, wondering exactly what
kind of friend Jason was to Sheri.
 Sheri and I are just friends, mate, Jason said beside him while
Lori handed him his beer.  She and Jane live down the hall.
The tension in Chase s shoulder eased a little. So this was the
would-be hero from the day he and Sheri met.
His firm build held more muscles than most in this century. His
arms didn t look to be a stranger to labor. Jason had probably never held a
claymore, much less used one, but still appeared to have the muscles to
pick one up.
 The name s Chase. He reached out his hand for Jason to shake.
His grip was firm. Perhaps the man was simply looking out for the ladies.
There was no harm in that Chase supposed.
 Right, Chase. We ve met, kind of. Jason smirked.
Jason laughed and drank his beer.  So, you and Sheri?
 Aye. Chase glanced over to Sheri who caught him out of the
corner of her eye, and her gaze narrowed.  How long have ye known the
 Lass? Oh, God, I ll bet she loves that! About two years, I guess.
What Chase really wanted to know was how well he knew her.
Sheri stepped to the bar and put an end to their conversation.  I
don t like the looks of this. Jason, don t you have somewhere better to
Laughing, Jason emptied his drink and stood to leave.  I know
where I m not wanted. Nice talking to ya, Chase. See ya later, Sheri.
Watching the man leave, Sheri nudged his arm.  What was that all
Kilt-A-Licious by Catherine Bybee
The crowd at the bar thinned out as the hour grew late. He had to
intervene with three different men who put Sheri in their sights. One
didn t even bother to sit once Chase scorned him for touching her arm. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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