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Illona and Dracula freed her from his control, as it might have freed my Lucy. Would that we had
known that. Do you suppose Van Helsing did and thought it made no difference?
That question troubles me even more than the ones about Lucy. Oddly, knowing all of this has
been a comfort rather than a source of renewed guilt. At least my only sorrow is that it is too late
to change the past.
When the time seems right, yes, I will invite you here. Arthur
He read the letter over and decided it was enough to keep her away. The fact that it was the truth made
it all the better.
But he hadn't told her everything, for that would have sounded insane. The blend of timidity and power
in the woman was more arousing than any mortal woman could ever hope to be. Arthur wanted
her physically, though he guessed that would be disquieting at best. But he could live without that if he
could merely give her happiness, make her grace him with one of her broad, fleeting smiles.
He almost threw out the last letter. The scrawled hand led him to believe it was merely another request
for funds from some bold, poverty-struck clerk or cleric. But there was a decisiveness in the strokes that
made him think it might be important, so he opened it.
Inside was an envelope, thankfully unsealed, addressed to Joanna. A quick note to him made the
contents clear.
Dear Lord Holmwood,
My mistress wrote me and I need write her back. I have news that she must know and soon.
Please see that she gets this. Read it to her and tell her I ask nothing but that she come to me soon
if only for a little while. There is much I need to know. My thanks. Colleen O'Shaunnasv
He stared at the envelope a long time before opening it and reading the contents. He felt a stab of pity
for the girl, mixed with a surprising envy. She would know things he never would, would see a future
beyond him. Her request was so humble, so hopeful and so full of hidden need. He knew that once
Joanna went to her, it was likely Joanna would never return to him.
He read the letter again, noting that the girl was doing well on her own. Judging from how slowly Mina's
condition had progressed, a week would make no difference to her, but for him it might be enough to
assure that Joanna would return for a visit only.
No, he would not lose his prize.
And so he said nothing that day, nor the next. By the third. Colleen was rarely on his mind. Yet once,
with no warning, he saw Joanna's brow crease, her eyes grow troubled. "Is something wrong?" he asked.
She shook her head. "Nothing," she mouthed, a breathless, silent dismissal.
Mina studied Arthur's letter carefully, looking for any signs that he might have been controlled but finding
none. That evening she shared it with Jonathan, who concurred. "He hardly sounds like Renfield, or even
you in the worst of your delirium. And yet& "
"What is it?"
"Nothing. I was thinking of the castle, but I can't ever recall seeing the sister alone. She was always with
the others. Perhaps they goaded her on or forced her to join them, in which case, Arthur is probably
"And you're not dreaming of her?"
He laughed, kissed her cheek. "Dearest, I usually dream of you, and in the most embarrassing of
positions, I might add."
Since Van Helsing's frantic letter five days before, there had been positions far more than she'd ever
expected. They'd gone to her cottage and calmly alerted Essie, who took the news in stride. "She likely
won't know where to find you anyway, unless your friend tells her," Essie added.
Essie was right. The firm's address was on the papers Dracula had signed, their house in town well
known. But she had kept this place something of a secret, just as Gance had. Better to be discreet in a
town so small.
"We might be safer here, or at least get some warning should she come," Jonathan admitted with obvious
reluctance. And so they stayed.
Perhaps the presence she had sensed the night of the storm was still roaming these halls, because that
night, after she got into her bath, Jonathan brought a bottle of wine from the kitchen and poured them
both a glass. When she suggested there was more than enough room for two in the bath, he did not
hesitate to join her.
Soap and washcloth became hands and caresses, kisses, embraces and an utterly unsuccessful attempt
at something more. They dried off quickly and, laughing, ran for the bed.
He was voracious, more than her match. By the time they were done, something as innocent as the touch
of his hand on her arm made her shiver with remembered delight.
She sat on the edge of the bed, lit a lamp and began combing the tangles from her damp hair. He got up,
went to the doors and threw them open, letting in the cooler night air. He stood by them awhile, looking
out at the dark garden, the river beyond.
"Karina had beautiful hair," he said, almost absentmindedly and without looking at her. "Joanna, those
incredible green eyes. As for Illona, it was her body that could not be ignored. But though the others had
sparks of life in them still, Illona had none. She terrified me as the others never did. And yes, I am certain
she terrified them as well."
Mina didn't answer. It was the first time he had ever spoken of those women without being forced to by
either Van Helsing or herself, and the first time he'd ever given details.
"There were nights when I was so weak I could barely move. Those where the times she would come
and lie beside me, touching me, forcing me to respond when I thought I hadn't even the strength to draw
another breath. Then she would invite the others to come and feast."
Mina got up, moved behind him and wrapped her arms around him as he went on, "And then there was
you, so alive, so kind. And all I could think of for too long was her and what she had done to me.
Whenever I would respond to you, I could not help but think of her. Everything got jumbled up, too
much so. I'm sorry. I never knew how to speak of it before. But I should have. You of all people had the
right to know."
She felt him catch his breath, a quick sob. Then he turned to her, held her until she led him back to bed.
In the morning they found Essie dozing in a chair in the solarium, her face to the bare window and the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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