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You're going to pay for this!
Abel recoiled instantly, all fight dissipating at a moment's notice and the fist
cracked his jaw before he even realized Cole had moved. Pain and blackness shot
through his head and he dropped, crashing into the coffee table. He lay unmoving,
stunned, all sound around him muffled in his ears. As if from a distance, he heard Abel
crying, yelling at Cole to stop even as a hand grabbed the front of his shirt and jerked
him upright again.
He steeled himself for another blow, somewhere deep inside knowing he deserved it
and willing the man to beat him to a bloody mess.
* * * *
 Cole! Stop! Abel grabbed at Cole's arm before he could deliver another blow.
Cole's face twisted in rage and looked as if he meant to kill the man. But instead,
shoved him down hard onto the sofa. Devlin wiped a shaky across his mouth, drawing
away bloody saliva.
His legs were unsteady as he crawled off the sofa and stumbled towards the door,
but Gabe stepped forward, arms uncrossing, fists clenched.
Devlin was crying, eyes frantic, desperate.  Let me out. he choked, about to drop
to the floor.
Gabe's fists tightened, eyes like steel.  We told you 
 Let him go, Gabe. Abel cried.  Just let him go.
Gabe hesitated then stepped back, unlocking the door. Devlin rushed past him,
jerking the door open hard and fleeing the apartment. Abel turned and collapsed in
Cole's arms, shaking violently, crying uncontrollably.
 Do you think he'll.... Gabe's voice strained with fear and tension.
 I don't know. Cole whispered, holding Abel tight, rubbing his back, kissing his hair.
 Call Max now.
Abel clung to Cole, his cries cutting off his breath. He gasped for air, trying to
breathe, but Devlin's words continued to punch him in chest, the heart, refusing to let
him get air.
You're a fucking liar, Abel! You think I'm going to take the word of some fucking
little whore over my own brother? Fuck you!
Abel cried harder, fingers gouging through Cole's shirt. I told you that you wouldn't
love me anymore...that everything would go away...I told you!
Abel and Devlin s story continues in the last book...
Abel: Shattered [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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