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As we are today gathered upon this spot to break ground for the Headquarters of a Christian Association, we
may rest assured that as surely as gravity draws a stone toward the center of the earth, the fervor of our united
aspirations will provide attention from the Founder of our faith (Christ), who will thus be with us. As
certainly as forks of identical pitch vibrate in sympathy, so must the august Head of the Rosicrucian Order
(Christian Rose-Cross) lend his presence upon this occasion when the home of Rosicrucian Fellowship is
being started. The Elder Brother who has been the inspiration of this movement is present and visible to some
among us at least. There are present upon this momentous occasion and directly interested in the proceedings
the perfect number¡2. That is to say, there are three invisible leaders who are beyond the stage of
ORDINARY humanity, and nine members of the Rosicrucian Fellowship. Nine is the number of Adam, or
man. Of these, five, an odd, masculine number, are men, and four, an even feminine number, are women,
while the number of invisible leaders, three, aptly represents the sexless Divine. Neither has the number
attending been arranged for by the speaker. Invitation to take part in these exercises was extended to many
individuals, but only nine responded. And as we cannot believe in chance, the attendance must have been
regulated in accordance with the design of our invisible leaders, and may be taken as an expression of the
spiritual power behind this movement, if further proof were needed than the phenomenal spread of the
Rosicrucian teachings, which have penetrated to every country on earth in the last few years and provoked
assent, admiration, and love, in the hearts of all classes and conditions of people, PARTICULARLY
We emphasize this as a noteworthy fact, for while all other religious organizations are composed largely of
women, men are in the majority among the members of the Rosicrucian Fellowship. It is also significant that
our doctor members outnumber those from all other professions, and that the ministers come next. It proves
that those whose privilege it is to care for the ailing body are alive to the fact that spiritual causes generate
physical weaknesses, and that they are seeking to understand so that they may give more efficient aid to the
infirm. It demonstrates also that those whose office it is to minister to the ailing spirit are endeavoring to meet
inquiring minds with a reasonable explanation of the of the spiritual mysteries, thus strengthening their
flagging faith and cementing their tie to the church, instead of responding with dictum and dogma NOT
SUPPORTED BY REASON, which would open wide the flood-gates to the seething sea of skepticism and
sweep the searcher for light away from the haven of the church into the darkness of materialistic despair.
Teachings of an Initiate
It has already been the blessed privilege of the Rosicrucian Fellowship to rescue many a sincere seeker,
anxious but unable to believe what seemed contrary to reason. Given reasonable explanation of the
underlying harmony between the dogmas and doctrines propounded by the church and the laws of nature,
such ones have been sent back into the church fold rejoicing in the fellowship there, stronger and better
members than before they left.
Any movement that is to endure must possess three divine qualities: WISDOM, BEAUTY, AND
STRENGTH. Science, art and religion each possesses one of these attributes in a measure. It is the purpose of
the Rosicrucian Fellowship to unite and harmonize each with the others by teaching a religion that is both
scientific and artistic, and to gather all churches into one great Christian Brotherhood. Just now the clock of
destiny marks an auspicious moment for the commencement of building activities to erect a visible center
whence the Rosicrucian teachings may radiate their beneficent influence to further the well-being of all who
are physically, mentally, or morally infirm.
Therefore we now lift one shovelful of earth from the corner of the building site with a prayer for WISDOM
to guide this great school along the right lines. We turn up the ground a second time with a supplication to the
Master Artist for the faculty of presenting the BEAUTY of the higher life in such a manner as to render it
attractive to all mankind. We break the ground for the third and last time in connection with these exercises
as we breathe a prayer for STRENGTH patiently and diligently to continue the good work so that it may
endure and become a greater factor for upliftment than any of its predecessors.
Having thus broken ground for the site of the first building, we will now proceed to plant the wonderful
symbol of life and being, the composite emblem of the Western Mystery School. This consists of the cross,
representing matter, and the climbing rose that twines around its stem, representing the verdant evolving life
climbing to greater and greater heights by this crucifixion. Each of us nine members will take part in
excavating for this the first and greatest ornament to Mt. Ecclesia. We will plant it in such a position that the
arms point east and west, while the meridian sun projects it bodily towards the north. Thus it will be directly
in the path of the spiritual currents that vitalize the forms of the four kingdoms of life: mineral, plant, animal,
and man.
Upon the arms and upper limb of this cross you notice three golden letters, "C.R.C.", the initials of our august
Head, Christian Rosenkreuz, or CHRISTIAN ROSE-CROSS. The symbolism of this cross is partly
explained here and there in our literature, but volumes would be required to give a full explanation. Let us
look a little further into the meaning of this wonderful object lesson.
When we lived in the dense WATER-LADEN ATMOSPHERE of early ATLANTIS, we were under entirely
different laws than govern us today. When we shed the body we felt it not, for our consciousness was focused
more in the spiritual world than in the denser conditions of matter. Our life was an unbroken existence; WE
With our emergence into THE AERIAL CONDITIONS OF ARYANA, the world of today, our
consciousness of the spirit world waned, and form became most prominent. Then a DUAL EXISTENCE
commenced, each phase sharply differentiated from the other by the events of birth and death. One of these
phases is a free spirit life in celestial realms; the other an imprisonment in a terrestrial body, which is
virtually death to the spirit, as symbolized in the Greek myth of Castor and Pollux, the heavenly twins.
It has been elucidated in various places in our literature how the free spirit became enmeshed in matter
through the machinations of the Lucifer spirits, which Christ referred to as false lights. That was in FIERY
The full effect of his misguidance did not become fully apparent until THE NOACHIAN AGE,

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