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my palm.  Looks like Eddie the Surgeon s still got it.
Heat flooded my face.  Fuck you.
His other fist flew at me. I ducked, countered with my own punch, dancing back on the balls of
my feet. Danny just grinned and kept on punching and jabbing, keeping me on the defensive.
At last I swung out and caught him on the jaw, a hot bullet of pain shooting up my arm. Danny
skittered back and landed on his ass.  Enough, I said.  I m sick of your stupid ga 
And I hit the mat with a tooth-rattling thud. He d played his signature move, cutting my legs
right out from under me. I had a split second to catch my breath before he pinned me to the mat.
 Had enough? he asked.
 Let me go.
 Break my hold first. His face hovered a few inches above mine. Close enough to feel the hot
puff of his breath and get a good look at where I d smacked him. A red mark on the left side of his jaw
was already darkening at the edges. I got a perverse thrill out of knowing he d be seeing worse in the
mirror tomorrow.
I squirmed and pushed, for all the good it did. Jiu-jitsu was like a chess game, and I hadn t played
in years. Danny countered expertly, as if he knew where I d try to block him next before I even
moved. Well, of course he did. Everything I tried, he d taught me.
 Ready to tap out yet? he asked, a smirk starting to slide across his lips, until the muscles in his
jaw tightened, and he winced.
I huffed out a laugh and started kicking and throwing elbows, hoping sheer force would help me
worm past his defenses. No dice. Danny had quick reflexes and twenty pounds on me. No way was I
getting up unless he let me.
He had both my arms pinned, every muscle in my body from waist to shoulder taut and
screaming. I still had enough range of movement in my right hand to tap my knuckles on the mat, but
 shit, even that hurt.
Danny s grip loosened, but he didn t let go. He looked down at me with a spark of something
both dangerous and gentle in those clear green eyes, shifting his hips until his hard cock pressed
against mine. Then he leaned in and kissed me.
* * *
Eddie fought, kicking and wriggling. At last he got one arm free and grabbed a handful of
Danny s curls. It hurt, but it felt good too, a sharp tingle along Danny s scalp that left him covered in
goose bumps. Or maybe that was from the warm, wet push of Eddie s tongue.
The push of Eddie s hand didn t feel nearly as good.  Stop it, Eddie said.
Danny just grinned, not caring about the throbbing lump on his chin. But if Eddie was trying to
convince him that he didn t want this, the bulge in his jeans had already made him a liar.  What s the
matter, you don t like the way I apologize?
 By punching me and pinning me down?
Danny rolled his hips, dragging a strangled moan from between Eddie s clenched teeth, and
 fuck, if he made that sound again, Danny wouldn t be responsible for what happened next.  I miss
you when you re not around, y know.
 You have a weird way of showing it.
 Eddie, c mon. I m trying to say I m sorry. He pushed up on his elbows, far enough that Eddie
could squirm out from under him if he really wanted to. But he didn t. He just lay there gazing up with
this half-confused, half-not-quite-angry-anymore expression.  I was drunk and depressed that night,
but that s still no excuse for the way I acted. He rolled onto the mat, then reached over to trail his
fingers down Eddie s chest.  C mon home with me and let me say it the right way.
Was he imagining it, or did Eddie just shiver?  Or what? You re gonna fuck me right here?
 How about the other way around? All I need to do is drop my pants, unzip your fly 
 No lube? And no mistaking the look in Eddie s eyes either. Pure lust warring with the same
thing Eddie was always fighting himself.  You want it like that? Hard and rough, with nothing but
spit to grease the way? It ll hurt.
 Doesn t matter. Hell, he deserved it. A fitting penance for all the shit he d hurled Eddie s way
last time, and all those other drunken, acrimonious nights too. But his heart lurched as Eddie rolled to
his feet and straightened his clothes. Was he really just going to walk out?
Instead, he shoved his hands in his pockets. Cool, calm. Un-fucking-flappable. Eddie The
Surgeon, back again.  I ll wait for you outside.
It took Danny a few minutes to turn off all the machines and put on his shoes and jacket. He
thought about changing out of his kimono, but he wouldn t be wearing it much longer anyway. Urb
usually went home with him, but the poor mutt looked so warm and cozy curled up in his bed, Danny
decided to let him be. He refilled his kibble and water, then patted him on his scruffy old head.  See
you in the morning, pal. Urb licked his hand and promptly fell back asleep.
He checked the locker room on his way out, surprised to find it deserted. Huh. So Tom had just
left without saying goodbye? Under the circumstances, it probably wasn t the worst thing. Danny
threw the last few dirty towels in the laundry service s basket, flicked off the lights and headed out.
Eddie cast a long, slender shadow under the street lamp, leaning against the Riviera with a
cigarette in his mouth. He took a last puff and stamped it out while Danny unlocked the car.
 Glad you remembered, Danny said as they both climbed in.
 No smoking in the sanctum sanctorum? Eddie snorted.  How could I forget, after that time you
made me walk home from St. Pat s?
 Only a couple miles. It didn t kill you.
 But something else might. He pulled Danny s hand off the wheel and pressed it to his crotch.
Holy fuck, he was hard again. Or was it still?  Let s get going.
Heat swarmed like ants over every fucking millimeter of Danny s skin as he hit the ignition and
swung out of the parking lot. He kept his eyes on the road through five stop lights while trying not to
listen to the soft rasp of Eddie s breathing.
At last he turned into his driveway and pulled around to the back of the house. He d forgotten to
leave the porch light on, so he had to read every key on his keychain by touch, and shit dropped [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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