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for a nap.
The First Dragonarmy Bridging Company
Don Perrin
The rain was just ending. The sound of the water splashing in puddles
had slowly subsided to light splats. Figures began to emerge from
whatever shelter they'd been able to find, cursing the wet, searching
in vain for wood dry enough to burn. Someone else was searching the
camp, too.
"Kang? Bridge Master Kang? Get yer scaly lard ass out here before I
have to hunt you down like a dog! Kang! Kang!"
Unable to believe that someone was actually looking for him, a large
Bozak draconian emerged slowly from the barracks tent. He was slightly
hunched and wore tooled leather armor. The standard curve-bladed sword
worn by most draconian warriors was absent from his belt. In its place
hung a small dagger and a coiled rope.
"I am Kang, " he growled. "What is it you want, human?"
"Rajak, to you, Bridge Master. Second Aide to Dragon Highlord Ariakas.
You will accompany me to the command tent. You will receive your orders
for the upcoming operation there. "
Kang stared in astonishment. Before the draconian could ask questions,
the officer had turned and begun trudging up a muddy track. Sputtering
campfires were dimly reflected in the man's plate cuirass. Shrugging,
Kang slogged respectfully after him. The draconian was easily twice the
weight and a good six inches taller than the human, but there was no
thought of anything but obedience-the lifeblood of the draconian. His
very existence, from hatchling on, was dedicated to serving the Dragon
Highlord, following his orders.
Kang's long, lizardlike tongue flicked from his mouth in anticipation.
At last, after all this time, orders...
As Bridge Master, it was Kang's job to train, maintain, and lead a
squadron of draconian bridge builders. They had trained for three
months now and had practiced building every conceivable type of bridge.
They had, however, never used their craft in combat, never gained the
praise and respect Kang knew were due them. His squadron had not been
through its baptism of fire.
Not that there hadn't been bridges built. The continent of Ansalon was
laced with rivers and streams, dotted with lakes. Bridges were needed
to aid in the advance of ground troops, to bring up supplies and siege
equipment so vital to the continued success of a fighting force. Until
a year ago, it had been standard operating procedure to call in the
draconian combat engineers.
All this had changed, however, when the Black Robe Golmitack and his
small band of wizards and druids had won the favor of Ariakas, Dragon
Highlord. Golmitack argued that it was far more efficient to allow the
druids to calm the waters and solidify the approaches, and have the
mages craft the structures from magical sources. Ariakas-a wielder of
magic himself-had been impressed by Golmitack and his flashy methods.
The draconian engineers were relegated to rear area security, standing
guard, doing kitchen and latrine duty.
Latrine duty.
Kang snorted. He was damn sick and tired of latrine duty.
His was the only bridging squadron left in the entire Red Dragonarmy.
His command was made up of the biggest Sivak draconians around, led by
himself, a Bozak. His troops were able and ready. They'd been able and
ready for months now. And they were able and ready to do something
other than dig those everlasting slit trenches....
Kang was pleased that he was being summoned to an orders conference,
but he couldn't help but wonder why. It made no sense. The Red
Dragonarmy's advance had stalled on a hastily built set of defenses
thrown up by human and dwarven warriors across the only fordable
section of the river. The might of the human forces was threatening the
right flank of the dragonarmy, and there were rumors of silver dragons
supporting the humans.
Kang assumed that the Black Robe Golmitack would either devise a method
to defeat the defenses or build a bridge over the river. Or perhaps
Wing Leader Bartlett would lead the Dragon Highlord's red dragons in a
raid bent on destroying the pestering defenders. All in all, the plans
added up to more latrine digging for the draconian engineers, and Kang
didn't need a division commander or a Highlord to tell him that.
Second Aide Rajak came to a halt in front of the large headquarters
tent. "Wait out here, Bridge Master, until you are called for. "
Kang grunted in acknowledgment. Rajak entered the tent. As the flap
opened, Kang could hear the sounds of heated debate inside. He stood,
puzzled. What was the problem?
Apparently, he was about to find out. Rajak reappeared.
"Bridge Master Kang, you are summoned. When you enter, you will turn to
your left, march forward to the area in front of the battle map,
salute, and face the Highlord. Questions? No? Good. Carry on. "
The rank of Bridge Master was officially an officer rank. Kang was not
used to being treated like an officer, however. Latrine and kitchen
duty tended to wear the shine off his metal clasps. He twitched his
armor into place, gave his harness buckles a quick swipe with his
tongue. Entering the tent, he performed as instructed, saluted the
Dragon Highlord.
"Bridge Master Kang as requested, Highlord. "
Ariakas was large for a human. The Dragonlord's cold, expressionless
face marked him as cruel, proud, ambitious. Kang, who had only seen his
commander from a distance, was considerably impressed.
"Bridge Master. " Lord Ariakas's voice rumbled through the tent,
silencing all conversation. "How would you rate the operational
effectiveness of your bridging squadron in night bridging operations?"
Kang was stunned. How by the Queen would he know? His squadron had not
been in combat for over a year! There was no way....
Receiving no answer to his question, Lord Ariakas had begun to frown.
"Bridge Master?"
Kang took a deep breath, made the only response he could.
"Highlord, we are fighting fit and ready for combat. It is our honor to
serve one such as you.... " [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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