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 Why aren t large families normal for GOs?
 Unmated children live a normal life span. Since women cannot
attain the master level without being mated, they cannot achieve
immortality on their own. The result is, way more often than not, the
parents outlive their daughters.
Master Me 119
Miranda was silent for several minutes,.  How many siblings do
you have?
 Just two, a sister and a brother. John, my brother, is one of the
coven leaders we re asking for help from. He made Master at forty-
five, which is fairly average. I was one of the youngest in our
history. Mitch was drawing a breath to continue when Miranda
interrupted him.
 Wait, wait, wait. Are you saying I m going to have to put up with
having a period for eternity?? That s gonna suck big time.
Mitch laughed loudly, amused at Miranda s disgust with the
thought.  No, you won t have to deal with that forever. My mom can
perform a rite for you to stop the reproduction process until we re
ready to have children. Then, she ll do the reversal rite. It can take
some time for things to get back to normal before conception can take
place, but a few months of it is nothing compared to having to put up
with it for years and years.
 Phew! That s good. Miranda was quiet for several moments
before asking quietly.  Mitch, do you want children?
 Yes, I do. I love kids, which is why I started that kid s camp in
Texas. But, Miranda, if you don t, that s okay. I ve lived this long
without the possibility. I can live longer with the same. And it s not
something we have to think about immediately.
 But did we become fertile with the mating? We ve made love
since then.
Mitch was quiet for a moment, stunned by what Miranda had
pointed out.  You re right. It s improbable, but not impossible. We ll
need to get Mom to do the rite for us tomorrow, and it s probably best
to refrain from making love again until it s done. You never did
answer my question about whether or not you want to have kids.
 I honestly don t know. I ve never really given it much thought. I
do know I would rather not have one so soon. I want you all to myself
for a while before I have to share you.
120 Meagan Hill
 I feel the same way. We have plenty of time later. Right now, I
want to concentrate on just you. Mitch leaned down to place a soft,
loving kiss on her lips as he pulled her back into his lap, angled so
that she was mostly facing him. They kissed for several long minutes,
just loving each other. Mitch pulled back slightly, resting his forehead
against Miranda s, looking deeply into her eyes.  Miranda, how do
you feel about marriage? I know it s kinda just a formality, but 
Mitch was cut off by Miranda s finger being pressed to his lips.
 I do want to marry you, Mitch. I d like to wait until after we talk
with my family. I ve always wanted my father to walk me down the
aisle. Does that answer your questions?
Mitch nodded, grinning widely, pressing a firm kiss to Miranda
once again.  My father knows a jeweler who can make our wedding
bands with the same design as our mating crest. Would you like
The smile gracing Miranda s face was brilliant.  Absolutely!
That s a wonderful idea.
 I don t get the credit for it. It s actually pretty common for mated
pairs to do that, if they can find a good enough jeweler who won t ask
too many questions. Luckily for us, one of John s coven members can
do it, so that won t be a problem. I m guessing he ll be joining us
tomorrow, so we can talk about it then. Does that sound good to
 That sounds wonderful, Miranda murmured before yawning.
 The only bad thing about coming here is we don t exactly get rest
while we re here. We have to sleep for real to recharge. Otherwise,
I d love to stay here all night every night.
 I was wondering about that. We went to sleep while in here last
night, and I didn t get left behind, so I guess it s okay if we do it
 I think so. But still, I d rather not risk it until we ve explored it a
little more. I can t stand the thought of you being trapped in total
sensory deprivation for hours until I wake up.
Master Me 121
 Yeah, that s a good idea. I would really prefer not to do that
again. This time, Mitch was only mildly startled to suddenly feel a
soft mattress appear beneath him, though Miranda still giggled at
him.  You do that on purpose now, don t you?
Miranda s giggling turned into full laughter as she nodded her
head.  It s your face! You look so disgruntled, like someone just
walked up and goosed your ass or something.
Mitch chuckled along with her, shaking his head. When Miranda s
laughter had calmed, they stretched out on the mattress, snuggling
into each other as they did on the temporal plane.  Good night, my
love, he whispered, placing a sweet kiss on her perfect lips.
 Good night, Mitch. I love you, Miranda breathed back. She
closed her eyes and mentally let him go from the plane. She waited
several minutes before releasing it completely, confident she hadn t
left him behind.
Mitch s body shifted in his sleep, a soft smile held on his face as
he slipped deeper into other dreams.
* * * *
It was mid-morning before either of them awoke. Mitch began
shifting first, though Miranda wasn t far behind. Mitch felt Miranda
shift around until they were facing each other. Upon opening his eyes, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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