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Hurrying into the kitchen, she found a small candle, lit it, and carried it into the living
room, feeling like a priest readying for a sacrifice. She set it on the coffee table.  Better?
 I ll let you be the judge. He scooped her up and deposited her on the sofa.
There wasn t room for the two of them to stretch out, but Selena didn t want to act
like a know-it-all and tell him. Only after he knelt in front of her, did she understand what
he was about to do. He tugged off one boot and she let out a sigh of relief. After he
removed her sock, he repeated with her other foot then rubbed each sole with his strong
Did he know a foot massage was the fastest way to her heart? Sinking fast into
heavenly bliss, she hadn t meant for the groan to escape, but her body was beginning to
tingle from the wonderful pleasure.
 I see you like this.
She didn t want him to know just how much.  I ve been on my feet all day.
He grinned and his dimples almost made her swoon. No man should be that good
 Uh-huh. After ten more minutes, Selena s muscles weakened.  Would you like my
hands on other parts of your body? he asked, his words full of promise.
Decisions, decisions.
Her cheetah spit out her answer.  Only if I can return the favor.
 How about if we both close our eyes and undress each other?
She loved his win-win attitude. Selena reached out and let him pull her to her feet.
 You won t cheat?
His grin spread across his face.  I might peak a little, but I ll try to control myself.
For some reason, she found that funny and snorted a laugh. Jackson just shook his
head then shut his eyes. She did, too, and her sense of smell heightened and her nipples
hardened.  Can you take off your shoes?
 Can do, he said.
His boots thumped on the floor and his heat signature intensified once more as he
stepped closer. Without a shirt, he was left with two pieces of clothing, which meant
she d have him naked in no time.
When she tried to undo the zipper on his pants, however, he swatted away her hands.
Immediately, she opened her eyes but found his closed, so she shut hers again.  Why
can t I undo your pants?
 Because I need to take off your top, and if you re working on me, I won t be able to
That was a cop out no pun intended. He didn t need to concentrate. He feared
shifting again.
Wanting to return to her seduction sooner rather than later, she undid the top button
of her uniform, but he clasped her wrists and leaned closer.  Let me, he whispered.
The fabric rubbing against the button had barely made any noise. While she couldn t
see his smile, she bet he was grinning in victory.
As he worked on undoing her blouse, his lips hovered over her neck, and his warm
breath created chaos all around her heart. The second his lips brushed her skin, tingles
shot out in every direction.
Don t shift. Don t shift.
Selena hadn t realized how hard it was to keep from ravishing him. Going slow ignited
her inner beast as much as when they attacked each other furiously. Man, she was a
mess. Between the soft kisses and his fingers easing open her shirt, her pulse was
frantically racing. As much as she wanted to undo his fly and grab his cock, she sensed he
wanted to be the one to decide how fast or slow to go.
Her mom was right. Selena didn t do compromise well, but this time, she d make an
exception and do what worked best for both of them.
 Your scent is becoming part of me. He whispered it so softly that she almost had to
strain to hear, despite her animal abilities.
Without thinking, she inhaled, and he, too, became part of her, and as much as she
wanted to block his heady aroma, she couldn t. When he eased open her shirt, cool air
rushed up her belly and sparks flew. Jackson leaned back, slipped his hands under her
bra, and pushed it on top of her breasts.
Holy shifters. His callused palms scraped across the tips and turned them even harder.
Arching her back for more contact, she clasped his bulging biceps. There was nothing
about this man that was less than extraordinary.
 I m holding on by a thread, he said.
 I ll sew you back up if you fall.
He laughed then devoured her mouth. When her tongue probed his heat, she bucked
up against him, searching for more. She slid her hands to his back, dragged her nails
down to his waist then broke the kiss.  I need you naked and in me. Now.
She hadn t meant to send out that demand, but the animal in her was overpowering.
He growled, but she didn t dare open her eyes. As if both beasts had been let out of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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