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He wrapped his other hand around Edwin s throat, his
claws pressing into the tender flesh. He warred with his
desire for vengeance, to tear out Edwin s heart, as he d done
to Loren. Adalric wanted to give no mercy to the vampires
who d caused harm to his beloved. A low growl rolled up
A Bite of Fulfillment
his throat at that thought. He d be well within his right to
end the vampire s life.
Seth spoke his name, sounding uncertain. He jerked his
head up and spotted his human now standing with Gerard
and a groggy looking Spieron. Toni stood a few feet away
beside a kneeling, trussed up Chad.
How long have I been struggling with this decision? He knew
before he d bonded, he would never have even hesitated.
Did that make him weak?
Compassion is never a weakness, Adalric.
He stared at Seth. Through his hazed vision, he saw the
lines of blood flowing through his lover s veins and a new
kind of lust flooded him. His dick swelled in his jeans and he
hissed softly at the sudden pressure.
 Mine, he snarled.
 Yours, Seth affirmed, keeping his gaze focused on
Adalric. The human licked his lips, obviously sensing the
sudden shift.
To Adalric s relief, Seth didn t appear concerned upon
seeing his eyes. His lover had come a long way in the past
two weeks. He smiled grimly.  Toni, lock Edwin and Chad
in the cellar, he ordered, though his gaze remained fixed on
the man he planned to ravish, and soon.  Then contact the
council and report these events.
 Yes, sir, Toni responded. The vampire quickly took
Adalric s place and used his hold on Edwin s arm to haul
him to his feet.
 Spieron, Adalric said, finally dragging his gaze away
from Seth. He looked at the injured vampire, who even
groggy managed to look concerned, even fearful, probably
for his life.  Thank you, for keeping my beloved safe. I could
use a loyal enforcer. He refused to cast an accusing look at
Charlie Richards
the vampire he d thought of as his friend.  Especially one
with your talents.
 Thank you, sir, Spieron whispered, his surprise evident
in his tone.  I d be honored.
 I ll initiate you later, he promised, then returned his
focus to Seth. Slowly, he stalked toward his lover.  I have
something more important to do at the moment.
Seth took a step back, the movement triggering Adalric s
desire to capture his beloved and fuck him, show him his
place. He crouched, ready to leap upon the man, to hell with
whoever watched, when Seth said,  Your leg. Are you
With the adrenaline thrumming through his body,
Adalric didn t even feel the wound. All he felt was the throb
of his dick pulsing in his jeans, the need to bury his shaft in
Seth s body, to sink his fangs in Seth s neck, and once again
claim him as his own.
 I m fine, he assured, right before he leaped. He
swooped his beloved into his arms, tossing him over his
shoulder, and leaped over the nearest hedge, praying there d
be something somewhat secluded on the other side.
 Hey, Seth called.  I can walk! He punctuated his
words with a slap on Adalric s ass.
Freezing, Adalric slowly allowed Seth to slide down the
front of his body. He growled softly upon feeling his
beloved s hard dick behind his fly.  Naughty, beloved, he
rumbled gruffly.  Very naughty.
 So is carting me around like a sack of potatoes, Seth
shot back, smirking. Before Adalric s sluggish brain could
come up with a response, his human continued,  Thank you
for coming for me.
Adalric cupped his beloved s jaw and pressed his
forehead against Seth s.  I will always come for you, he
A Bite of Fulfillment
replied, then frowned.  But I d really prefer you don t get
kidnapped again.
 Me, too, Seth replied.
That settled, Adalric returned to his original intention, to
reclaim his beloved. He slanted his mouth over Seth s and
thrust his tongue inside. Dominating Seth s mouth, he
tangled their tongues, drawing Seth s appendage into his
mouth, and sucking on it strongly. His beloved moaned and
melted against him, and Adalric swallowed the noises even
as they set his blood on fire.
He tugged at jeans and shirt, using his claws to strip the
offending fabric from his human s body. Releasing his
lover s lips, he spotted the cement bench. He grinned upon
hearing the whine of frustration as he gripped Seth s hips
and spun him.
Whipping his shirt over his head, Adalric laid it on the
bench, then pushed Seth over it. He yanked open his fly,
easing the pressure on his aching shaft.
 Wait! Wait, wait, Seth chanted.
 That s not going to happen, Adalric countered gruffly,
although he knew he needed to slow down, prep his
beloved. Never did he want to hurt his human.
 Lube. Seth swung his arm and pointed at the remains of
his jeans.  In my hip pocket.
Adalric snagged the ruined cloth and searched the
pockets, finding a single-use packet. Pulling it out, he
growled.  And what were you doing with this?
 Always carry some now. Always want to be prepared,
Seth admitted. The way he panted, giving away his need,
not to mention the arousal scenting the air around him like
the finest aphrodisiac. Looking over his shoulder at him,
Seth snickered and added,  You re a horny bastard,
Charlie Richards
Chuckling, Adalric tore open the packet and poured most
of the slick onto his fingers.  Only for you, beloved.
 Better be, Seth replied, his words ending on a grunt as
Adalric slipped first one, then two fingers into his ass.
Adalric draped his body over Seth s as he worked him,
running his free hand over the smooth skin of Seth s back,
touching, feeling, reaffirming that his beloved was there
with him, alive and healthy.  My beloved, he crooned.  My
 So, Seth panted,  what you said earlier was true? You
love me?
 Oh, yes, Adalric assured.  Very much. Pulling the
three fingers he now had in Seth s ass free of his lover s
body, Adalric turned the man to face him.  You are my
heart, Seth. Without you, I am nothing.
Seth traced his fingers down Adalric s jaw, then up over
his brow.  Never thought I d find a love like this, Seth
whispered.  And I do love you.
Adalric s heart sang at Seth s admission. He wrapped his
arms around Seth, holding him tight, and captured his
lover s lips. Lifting the man as he enjoyed his beloved s
masculine flavor, Adalric turned and sat on the shirt on the
bench. He settled Seth on his lap and, using one hand,
aligned his erection with Seth s stretched hole and guided
him down.
His beloved s head lolled on his neck, breaking the kiss,
and let out a long, low moan.  Fuck, never thought I d enjoy
this so much.
Hissing his own pleasure, Adalric struggled to form
words as exquisite pressure swallowed his cock.  S-sex? he
Seth s chest heaved and he gripped Adalric s shoulders as
he fully seated himself on his prick. Adalric gripped Seth s
A Bite of Fulfillment
hips, holding him tight. His cock twitched and jerked inside
the hot depths of his human.
Grinning, Seth shook his head.  Bottoming, he admitted.
 I can t get enough of your dick in my ass.
 Good, Adalric replied.  Because I plan to keep it in you
as often as possible.
 That s great, Seth snapped.  Now loosen your grip so I
can move. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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