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me they asked about because you know very well what my feelings are about such fetishes. Mere
artifacts of superstition.
Speaking of superstition, I suppose I should offer congratulations to your husband on his doctorate in
comparative social belief. I suppose it did involve some work on his part but I fail to comprehend the
nature of the subject.
We're making excellent progress on the DNA synthesis. The coli are having no trouble at all producing
the proper links in the proper order and we shall soon have a large amount of viable DNA ready for
implantation. As for creatures, plural, which I did mention in my last letter, as you've guessed, I've
managed to alter the sex of the original sample.
It was a brilliant inductive effort on my part, if I do say so myself, and I'll send you the reports since
you're interested. Our first sample was female, by the way, which made it easier to convert the sex
though with additional effort a male could have been converted with my technique.
I have to close now, my assistant just called me into the lab. They've found something unusual in the gene
makeup they say but if they've fouled up I'll have their heads.
Brother Josh
Klaus Memorial Primate Research Center
July 20, 1990
Dear Virginia,
I suppose I should have expected you and your husband to discuss what I've been telling you ahead of
the mass media consumers but I really must ask that he not worry over such sentimental considerations
such as fairness to our growing subjects. Fairness doesn't enter into it at all. This is scientific research of
the highest order. We will learn what one form of early man was like. It will revolutionize thinking!
If he needs assurance then let him know that our experts will make every effort to simulate the Alaskan
environment of five hundred millenia ago and the boreals will have no contact with our civilization. Our
monitors are quite well hidden.
Corrupt them, indeed! And another thing, though I did not mean to imply interest in comparative social
belief, I am grateful for the dissertations your husband sent me.
Jungian Archetypes in Selected Episodes of Laverne and Shirley; A Comparative Analysis of the
Evolution and Characteristics of Demons of Polynesia and North European Little People; Quantification
of Belief Incidence in Extrapolation of Afternoon Videocast Personae; and his own, and of course my
favorite, The Correlation of Cognitive Structures, Belief, and the Prevailing Personification of Santa
He sounds a bit conservative to me there! Who would have suspected it! I got great amusement from
them and it broke the tension and excitement of our latest discovery which I referred to last time.
The boreals have extra chromosomes (the DNA has been dividing nicely but were checking it out before
implanting) and our early results indicate some unusual abilities. I'll let you know more later.
Your brother,
P.S. Watch the videocast this weekend. I'm on "Science Speaks" and the Director has consented to let
me hint about our work.
Klaus Memorial Primate Research Center
October 1,1990
Dear Virginia,
I must apologize for not having written sooner but as you may surmise the reaction to my appearance last
July was astounding! We've had to triple the guard and the State Police are having a hard time with
It occurs to me that some people still are attracted to the lure of good science and haven't been swept up
in this end of the millenia hysteria. I also think those dissertations are a sad indication of imminent
breakdown and I certainly hope you are not letting your husband infect my dear niece and nephew with
his ridiculous ideas about belief making reality. It's as if he were saying wishes come true when,
manifestly, they do not. Please, Virginia, stand as a bulwark for rationality in your own family. But enough
of that. I'm sure I can count on you.
Our boreals are progressing very well. We implanted the ova with the fully assembled DNA by the end
of July. The chimpanzee host-mothers are doing excellently. We were worried for a while about primitive
hormones being produced which would terminate the host-mothers but that problem seems to have never
existed, the placental filtration is better than modern females, or so our obstetrician thinks. I feel there has
been a slight devolution in filtration quality, therefore, as witness the harmful things which pass to
The obstetrician also believes the boreals will be born very soon. An evolved survival trait, no doubt. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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