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This is insane, he thought bitterly.I'll have to kill
halfthe city before summer! There must be a better way of getting the money I
need. We have to be out of the empire before we're caught in the war.
"We" now included Astra. With thesavages intent on murdering Readers, she was
in grave danger. And if the savages had such powers as Zanos had heard, his
band of refugees would need a Reader to guide them.
How he would persuade her, he didn't know but the time to approach her would
be when he was finally ready to go. In the meantime, he must try to prevent
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her Reading his plans, such as they were.
Suddenly he stopped walking. A new plan came to him, full-blown. He laughed
at its simplicity.Astra is right. I can't defeat my enemies alone, so I'll get
myself an ally a very powerful ally!
The next morning, he dressed in his most impressive clothes, went to the
royal palace, and requested an audience with the Emperor. Zanos usually
shunned his celebrity status, but this day he exploited it, adding all the
charm and wit he could muster to work his way through the Emperor's retainers.
Eventually he was escorted to one of the conference chambers, and left to
wait for the Emperor. The portly, middle-aged man greeted him warmly, clasping
thegladiators upper arms as though the two men were comrades in arms.
"Ah, the arena games just haven't been the same since you retired, Zanos,"
the ruler said.
"Thank you, majesty, ' Zanos smiled.
"You've come to make a contribution to the war effort?"
"Yes, "Zanos nodded. "As the war fleet's launching date approaches, each
citizen must do his part to raise funds. I'm offering as my contribution a
special arena match myself against any single opponent ofyour choosing with
admission receipts to be donated to the military."
"Excellent!" said the Emperor. "I like that!The greatest gladiator of the
century coming out of retirement. Why, every citizen in the empire would pay
to see that except the Readers, of course," he added with a laugh.
Zanos hid his annoyance with a tight smile. He had no love for this soft,
self-indulgent aristocrat sending thousands of people to war while he stayed
safely at home.
"But finding an opponent worthy of you," the ruler was continuing, "someone
who can truly test your mettle& I thank you for bringing me this delightful
challenge. I will send out word, and when such an opponent is found, the match
will be announced."
Zanos left the palace, inwardly smug. Now that the Emperor himself had an
interest in Zanos' affairs, the criminals would have to back off. Even better,
this match would generate heavy gambling. If he wagered everything he owned on
the outcome, Zanos could win enough money to make his dream a reality.
Just a little while longer, and I'll be going home& home!
In the days of preparation for war, the city ofTiberium began to change.
Political and social factions which ordinarily ignored or antagonized each
other united against the threat of the savages. The Emperor and the senate met
daily, as did the Council of Masters.
Astra was released from the infirmary into an Academy whose daily routine was
interrupted by senators and generals seeking audience with Portia at all
She picked up the threads of her duties, but with a keener interest in both
state and Academy politics. She used her powers carefully, not deliberately
spying, but attempting to separate the strange facts from the even stranger
rumors. Slowly she gained a picture of a nervous senate wanting to protect
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Aventine citizens from further attacks by the savages but also
hopingthat the army could regain the lands lost to the Adepts in the past few
"It could happen," Zanos agreed when she told him her speculations. She had
stolen an hour from errands Portia had assigned her, and found him willing to
take a break from his strenuous training for the upcoming bout. Nothing she
told him violated her Reader's Oath and she quickly found that the rumors in
the Academies were equally current in The Maze.
Despite the chill air, Zanos shone with sweat in the winter sunshine. He had
been practicing with a wooden sword against some complex piece of machinery [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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