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was so far ahead of the normal schedule that his overhead manager
had provided him that it was almost comical. Apparently Eoeans
didn t know how to operate their own technologies as efficiently as
Yanai did. The Pressian system had been equally as flawed before
they d paid him for the overhaul.
He stretched, cracking his back. He had a good day s work done.
That was all that really mattered. He believed his lover when he said
that he wouldn t change his mind. He felt like Trev would be as
stubborn as he usually was when it came to their relationship.
However, now that he had forced Trev to make a final decision, he
hoped that they would settle back into a life of love and comfort,
something similar but more mature than what they d shared on
He pushed back from the desk attached to his workstation before
gaining his feet. His stomach rumbled in warning, reminding him he
hadn t eaten since first meal. His gray men had offered him lunch, but
he d been so bothered by his and Trev s conversation that he hadn t
felt like doing much more than burying himself in the streams of the
Walking over to the door, he reached for the panel to open it, but
someone beat him to it. The smallest of his gray men nearly collided
with him.  Sorry, lord, he apologized.  I only meant to tell you that
last meal is ready. We apologize for the sparseness of the offerings.
78 Jana Downs
However, the market did not deliver here as promised. They sent us a
missive to say that they will be here at first light.
 I m sure the meal you all have prepared is exceptional. His gray
men never disappointed. They could create a masterpiece with
nothing but a stone and a piece of fish. That might ve been a slight
exaggeration, but it wasn t much of one.
The gray man bowed.  Your pet and the new human are already
seated at the table. He paused.  They re drinking that acid-tasting
Eoean liquor. He might ve said swill for the look he was giving
when he said it.
 Makes one miss Tannaran wine, eh? Maybe they could have
some imported.
 This is a harsh, riotous place, the gray man huffed.  Even the
food is tough as Tannaran tree bark.
 You will grow used to this place, Yanai said, patting the gray
man on the shoulder.  Remember that this is my pet s home. We will
all make adjustments.
Yanai stepped around the gray man.  Please, straighten up the
office and then find your own meal with the others.
 Yes, lord.
He made his way to the eating room that was located adjacent to
the kitchen. He stepped into the space and was surprised to see his pet
and Eric leaning against one another, laughing. The low-lying table
was only a foot off the floor and an arrangement of pillows in purples
and turquoise took up the entirety of the color pallet. Last meal was
already stacked on pleasing wood plates at the center of the table and
it smelled delicious. He had no idea what kind of meat that was, but it
looked good. The green and yellow vegetables looked even better
than the rest of the meal.
 Have I missed something terribly important? he asked, trying
not to be jealous of the happy scene before him.
Bound by Desire 79
 Nope, Trev said, grinning up at him.  Sorry, we got a bit goofy
with the Yuko. Eric had never drank, and I thought a shot or two
wouldn t hurt. We got a little buzzed. Nothing supper won t help.
 You are intoxicated.
 Little bit.
Yanai s lips twitched.  You can t be a little bit intoxicated. You
either are intoxicated or you are not.
Trev grinned.  Okay. I am.
 Then let me feed you so you can sober. We have a discussion
that needs to be conducted.
In Tannara tradition, he always served his lover first, and tonight
was no exception. He placed three of the meat slices onto his plate
before adding vegetables and something that looked vaguely like
Tannaran round rice.
 Where are the forks? Eric slurred.
Trev shook his head.  Tannara eat with their hands. No utensils.
 What about soup? Eric asked, looking scandalized.
Trev tapped his squat round bowel.  Yah pick it up and suck it.
Eric erupted into a giggling fit.
Yanai rolled his eyes and placed the plate he d just made in front
of Trev. He hesitated. Did he consider Eric a guest? If so, he served
him after himself. If he considered him family, he served him before.
Decisions. Decisions.
 Go ahead and serve him, Trev said, clearly reading his mind.
 He s family now or near enough.
His lover had a gentle spirit. He d formed an attachment to the
other human already, despite being furious with him to begin with.
 Very well. He got out enough food for Eric and passed it to him.
The younger human devoured his plate, raking the food into his
mouth like he was starved for it. Yanai blinked. Hungry little thing.
80 Jana Downs
Finally, he made his own plate and ate in silence as the two
humans joked around. It was easy to see that they would be friends in
the near future.
Trev looked over at him.  Did you have a good workday?
 I had a reasonably productive workday. I don t know if good is
the correct word for it. He took a bite of the white meat. Hmm, this is
good.  What sort of meat is this?
 It s called chicken, lord. We can buy some of the livestock at the
market if you enjoy it.
 What did you do with your day, pet?
Trev shrugged.  Painted a bit, set Eric up with the tutor, and had a
heart-to-heart with myself. He seemed steadier already, less tipsy.  I [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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