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some significance here. During the preparation of this book, one of those primarily
responsible for it reported feeling weak and nauseous upon sitting down to work on the
manuscript-whenever he did so in his office on Long Island. But while doing the same task in
Manhattan, across the East River, he experienced no ill effects at all."
We're not obliged, of course, to accept this or any other "psychic" interpretation of the
events that took place in the house in Amityville.
Yet any other hypothesis immediately involves us in trying to construct an even more
incredible series of bizarre coincidences, shared hallucinations, and grotesque
misinterpretations of fact. It would be helpful if we could duplicate, as in a controlled
laboratory experiment, some of the events the Lutzes experienced. But of course we cannot.
Disembodied spirits-if they exist-presumably feel no obligation to perform instant replays
before the cameras and recording equipment of earnest researchers.
There is no evidence that any strange events occurred at 112 Ocean
Avenue after the period of time reported in this book, but this too, makes sense: more than
one parapsychologist has noted that occult manifestations especially those with poltergeist
overtones-very often end as suddenly as they began, never to reoccur. And even traditional
ghost-hunters assure their clients that structural changes in a house, even a simple
rearrangement of furniture, such as would be effected by a new tenant, will bring a speedy
end to reports of the abnormal. As for
George and Kathleen Lutz, of course, their curiosity has been more than satisfied. But the
rest of us are left with a dilemma: The more
"rational" the explanation, the less tenable it becomes. And what I have called The
Amityville Horror remains one of those dark mysteries that challenges our conventional
accountiDg of what this world contains.
JAY ANSON began as a copy boy on the N.Y. Evening Journal in 1937, and later worked in
advertising and publicity. With over 500 documentary scripts for television to his credit, he is
now associated with
Professional Films, Inc., and lives in Roslyn, New York. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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