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2. Auspicious spirits constantly protect you and you do
not have to experience the disasters of plagues, floods,
fires, thieves, armed conflict, or imprisonment.
3. Suffering inflicted by vengeful enemies made in the past
will be avoided, and the merit derived from printing
sutras will allow these enemies to receive the benefits of
Dharma, and thereby untie the bond of hatred.
4. Evil ghosts and other yaksha-ghosts cannot encroach
on you; poisonous snakes or man-eating beasts can-
not harm you.
5. You will have peace of mind. During the day you will
meet with no danger, and at night you will have no
bad dreams. Your complexion will be healthy, smooth
and moist. Your energy will be full of vitality. Your
business will continue to prosper and meet with ulti-
mate success.
6. You will always have ample food and clothing. Your
families will always be at peace, and your prosperity
and blessings will constantly increase.
7. Gods and other people will immediately take a liking
to things you do or say. Wherever you go, you will
always be greeted with respect and revered by happy
crowds of dear friends.
8. Ignorant people will grow wiser, unhealthy people
will grow healthier, troubled people will feel happier,
and women can become men in their next lives if they
wish to do so.
9. You will escape from the three lower realms, and
always be reborn in wholesome places, with a hand-
some upright appearance and unusually fine charac-
ter. You will enjoy supreme happiness and abundant
10. You will be able to plant innumerable roots of good-
ness in the blessed minds of all living beings. You will
help the living beings to reap bounteous, measureless
merits and help them attain the final Buddhahood.
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