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her face, breasts heaving, long legs moving a bit restlessly under his
Lauren Dane
gaze amazing.  Oh, he whispered, moving his face closer to her.  Look
at this. It looks like someone shook powdered cinnamon here. He ran
the flat of his tongue across the dusting of freckles on her shoulders.
 Tastes better than cinnamon though, he murmured.
She squeaked at the contact of his warm tongue. He chuckled and
flicked the point of his tongue on a path south to her breasts.  Now
these, Red. One of his eyebrows rose as he snuck a quick look up at her
and then back to her breasts.  I had no idea that breasts so pretty
existed under those blouses you wore buttoned up to your chin. Not that
I haven t spent a lot of time in the last few months thinking about them.
He circled a pebbled nipple slowly with one hand and mimicked that with
his tongue at the other.
Arching her back, she pressed her breasts closer to his mouth. She
tried to reach for him but he was too long-waisted. Moaning in
frustration, she shoved at him, pushing him onto his back.
Moving to kneel between his thighs, she ran her hands across the
muscles there, down his calves and back up again. His stomach was flat
and she traced the bands of muscle up to his chest, which also bore a
mat of blond-brown hair.
His nipples were cinnamon and deliciously sensitive. Moving her
mouth to him, she licked over the flat ridge of each. Shuddering, his
hands fisted in the blankets as she followed the licks with the edge of her
Sitting up, she looked at him some more, trying to decide what to
touch next. His face was masculine and defined but still beautiful, the
kind of face that still looked handsome at seventy. He watched her
through gorgeous green eyes fringed with lashes any woman would love
to have.
After raising her finger to her lips, tapping it as if she were trying to
make a decision she moved to slide her hands over work-hard biceps and
powerful forearms. Her lips kissed the tips of each finger on his large
Giving Chase
hands. His neck was long, chin bearing a cleft covered in that sexy
goatee. She traced the tip of her tongue over his lips across to his jaw
and up to his earlobe for a quick nibble.
 You re killing me, he groaned out and she laughed.
 Let me see what I can do about that, she murmured, kissing her
way south. And then he heard nothing but the blood rushing in his ears
as she lowered her mouth over him. His body jerked at the intensity of
the sensation. He whispered her name and his hands went to her head,
caressing her scalp.
Looking down and seeing the mass of red curls spread over his
stomach and her sweet ass swaying in the air as she went down on him
nearly drove him over the edge.
 Baby, please, stop, I want to be inside of you. I want to look up at
you as you ride me, Maggie, he whispered hoarsely. The smile she sent
him made his cock jump in anticipation.  There s a condom in my pants
pocket. Over there on the chair near the foot of the bed. She nodded and
crawled down to the end of the bed and reached out, grabbing the pants
and rifling through his pockets until she found it.
 I won t comment on the fact that you had one in your pocket, Kyle.
She smirked as she ripped the foil packet open and rolled it on him. She
moved up to straddle his thighs, smiling sexily down at him.
 And I won t comment on how spectacular you looked bent over
getting my pants except to tell you that your pussy is so pretty and to
promise you that I will be getting that view again soon. Only with my
cock deep inside you. As for the condom, a guy is dead without hope.
What if we d been driving out by the lake or something and we d wanted
to make love? Badda bing, badda boom, I had a condom and we could
have done it. Oh dear god& . His words ended on a gasp as she slowly
slid down onto him, encasing him in her very tight, very hot pussy.
She moved, taking him into her body inch by inch and pleasure drove
up his spine. He looked up at her, surprised at himself. Woman on top
Lauren Dane [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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