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Rattling chains stopped her from reaching out, seeking her pleasure.
 Lanier, I wouldn t get any closer, warned the tall, lean man.  She s hard to
resist. I know. He reached down and cupped his erection.
Still the auburn-haired man called Lanier stepped nearer
If her hands were free she could have touched and savored him.  Are you afraid
of me? Her mouth drew into a pout. She tilted her head from left to right
needing to be free of the collar around her neck.  All I want to do is play.
Won t you please release me? I promise you won t regret it.
Where this teasing, sexual woman came from Tammy had no idea. All she knew was
that she needed to satisfy the lustful ache in her body. Not to mention, she
was hungry. She cocked her head, listening to each stranger s heartbeat.
Healthy and strong.
Her fingers splayed, curling as if to emphasize her long fingernails.  But I
can t touch you, she whimpered.  And I want to touch you both so badly. Her
hips swayed side to side enticingly.
Again, Tammy s breath caught. Sanity briefly surfaced once more as she
wondered what was happening to her. This wasn t like her not that she hadn t
secretly wanted to be seductive and charming. Looks? Yeah, she had them, but
experience zip.
Tammy wasn t promiscuous, just the opposite. Yet her body felt more in control
than her mind. She desired these men more than anything she d ever wanted.
 Kiss me. Her voice was a plea.
Lanier appeared caught in her web. His pupils were dilated as he stepped close
enough she could feel his masculine heat. It warmed her blood like a fire was
set beneath her. She couldn t wait to feel his embrace, the caress of his
hands against her flesh. Couldn t wait for the moment his cock parted her
folds and filled her.
Suddenly a spasm clenched her belly and threw her body into convulsions. Pain
splintered in all directions as a drawing sensation like a knot being pulled
tighter and tighter twisted inside her.
A sharp, breathy cry pushed from her mouth.  It hurts. Oh God, it hurts. She
jerked against her bindings, the metal biting into her wrists and ankles, as a
fiery burn raced through her body.
She couldn t quiet the involuntary muscular contractions pulling and pushing
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on her insides, threatening to rip her in two. She squeezed and released her
vaginal muscles, attempting to lessen the throb between her thighs. But it did
no good.
 Shit, Lanier cried as he ran to her.
The minute his hands touched her waist the pain inside Tammy eased, but not
entirely. She brushed against his body as he folded his frame around her.
The rapid pulse in his neck called to her. Her mouth salivated. But it was the
bulge pressing into her belly that made her cry out.  Please help me.
Donne glanced at Lanier.
 Her needs are sexual. It happens to all the young wolves as they come of age.
Her transformation must have thrown her into a heat, Lanier said.
Heat? The thought disappeared as her stomach growled and the sound of Lanier s
blood flowing through his veins became a symphony in her ears. She could hear
the swish of his life essence as the chambers of his heart opened and closed.
His breathing seemed to melt into hers, almost as if they were becoming one.
Donne s eyes widened.  Are you telling me she needs to be bred fucked?
Lanier held her firmly against his body.
Blood. Tammy sucked in a breath, fighting to think of something other than
sinking her teeth into the vein pulsing in his neck.
 Fucked. He watched her guardedly.  And thanks to you, fed.
Marc must face the biggest challenge of his life convincing Liv Davis that he
means to love her forever.
© 2007 Lauren Dane
Liv Davis had just about given up on her happily ever after. Burned by love
more than once, she s beginning to think Mr. Right wasn t in the cards for
Marc Chase is a confirmed bachelor and lover of women lots of them. He s
determined not to fall head over heels the way his brothers have. Until he
kisses Olivia Davis and realizes head over heels may not be such a bad thing
after all!
Can Liv open her scarred heart for this younger ladies man? She loves Marc
more than she can begin to admit but she s terrified of being rejected again.
Marc faces a challenge greater than he s ever faced before. Making a woman
believe he s more than just a great bedmate making her believe he s in it for
In the end it will all come down to two days in a hotel and a bet. Can they
both win?
Book Three in the Chase Brothers Series
Enjoy the following excerpt for Chased:
Marc s place smelled like his cologne and fresh fruit. She saw a set of
hanging baskets filled with apples and peaches and knew that s where the scent
had come from. His living room windows were large and looked out over the
street. It was nicely furnished with bookshelves on the walls and pictures of
his family all around.
He kept surprising her and that made her uncomfortable. In the box marked
unavailable bachelor for life, he was non-threatening because it wouldn t pay
to develop feelings for him. But in the box labeled guy way deeper than she d
thought who loved his family? That guy was dangerous to her well being.
 Now. He flipped the lights off before lighting candles set all around the
living room.  I ll be right back. He disappeared down the hall, returning
after a few moments.  You look gorgeous with candlelight on your skin. I
figured you would. Then again, I ve yet to see you in a situation where you
didn t look gorgeous.
His hands went to the tie at the right shoulder of her shirt and undid it,
letting it fall forward. Her nipples, already hard at his presence, hardened
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ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
even more at the cool air and the look on his face.
 Okay, let s go down the hall before I take you here on the floor of my living
room. I ve already had you in a truck, I need to mind my manners now.
She laughed and let him drag her down his hallway to his bedroom. A king sized
bed dominated the space.
 I ve been dreaming of this, he murmured, pulling his shirt up and over his
head. Her heart raced at the sight of him, tawny in the candlelight.
 God you re beautiful.
He stopped and cocked his head, smiling.  Thank you, sugar. I ve got nothing
on you.
Her blouse lay around her waist and she removed it, laying it on the arm of a
 Nothing on me. She snorted.  Puhleeze. Look at yourself in that mirror
there. You re gorgeous. Hard and fit and muscular. I know you know you re
handsome, women fall over you all the time and you catch quite a few too.
Chuckling, he unzipped her pants and shoved them down, letting her lean on him
as she stepped out of them and her shoes.
 Good gracious. He stalked around her, taking in every inch of her body. A
body he d helped her shape and strengthen. She d never been ashamed of her
nudity but she certainly felt a lot better about her overall tone and shape
now that he d kicked her ass for two and a half months.
 Now you. I want to see all of you. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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