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apparently only a single tribe, as they're never reported in two places at the
same time. They seem to be semi-intelligent simians or anthropoids - no one
knows exactly."
"These creatures have never been examined at close hand?" asked Magnus Ridolph
in some surprise.
"Never." After a second's pause Solinsky said: "The weird things can't be
caught. They're elastic - live off ticholama, eat it just before it's ready to
harvest. In the day time they disappear, nobody knows where, and at night
they're like locusts, black phantoms. A party from Carnegie Tech tried to trap
them, but they tore the traps to pieces. They can't be poisoned, a bullet
bounces off their hides, they dodge out of heat-beams, deltas don't phase
them. We've never got close enough to use supersonics, but they probably
wouldn't even notice."
"They would seem almost invulnerable, then - to the usual methods of
destruction," was Magnus
Ridolph's comment.
"That's about it," said Solinsky brightly. "I suppose a meson grenade would do
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ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
the trick, but there wouldn't be much specimen left for you to examine."
"My interest in these creatures is not wholly impersonal," said Magnus
Ridolph. "They are devouring my
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THE MANY WORLDS OF MAGNUS RIDOLPH by Jack Vance ticholama; I want to halt this
"Well - " Solinsky hesitated. "I don't like to say it, Mr. Ridolph, but I'm
afraid there's very little you can do - except next year don't raise so
tempting a crop. They only go after the choicest fields. Another thing,
they're dangerous. Any poor devil they chance upon, they tear him to pieces.
So don't go out with a shotgun to scare 'em away."
"No," said Magnus Ridolph. "I shall have to devise other means."
"Hope you succeed," said Solinsky. "No one ever has before."
Magnus Ridolph returned to the kitchen, where Chook was peeling starchy blue
"I see you are preparing lunch," said Magnus Ridolph, "Is it - ?" He raised
his eyebrows interrogatively.
Chook rumbled an affirmative. Magnus Ridolph came over beside him, watched a
"Have you ever seen one of these Howling Bounders close at hand?"
"No," said Chook. "When I hear noise, I sleep, stay quiet."
"What do they look like?"
"Very tall, long arms. Ugly - like men." He turned a lambent bottle-green eye
at Magnus Ridolph's beard.
"But no hair."
"I see," said Magnus Ridolph, stroking the beard. He wandered outside, seated
himself on a bench, and relaxed in the warm light of Naos. He found a piece of
paper, scribbled. A buzz reached his ears, grew louder, and presently
Blantham's copter dropped into his front yard. Blantham hopped out, brisk,
shaven, his wide-set eyes bright, his jowls pink with health. When he saw
Magnus Ridolph, he shaped his features into a frame of grave solicitude.
"Mr. Ridolph, a distressing report has reached me. I understand - I just
learned this morning - that those devilish Bounders have been seen on your
Magnus Ridolph nodded. "Yes, something of that nature has been called to my
"Words can't convey my sense of guilt," said Blantham. "Naturally I'd never
have saddled you with the property if I'd known..."
"Naturally," agreed Magnus Ridolph siccatively.
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"As soon as I heard, I came over to make what amends I could, but I fear they
can only be nominal. You see, last night, as soon as I banked your check, I
paid off a number of outstanding debts and I only have about fifty thousand
munits left. If you'd like me to take over the burden of coping with those
He paused, coughed.
Magnus Ridolph looked mildly upward. "That's exceedingly generous of you, Mr.
Blantham - a gesture few men would make. However, I think I may be able to
salvage something from the property. I am not completely discouraged."
"Good, good," was Blantham's hasty comment. "Never say die; I always admire
courage. But I'd better warn you that once those pestiferous Bounders start on
a field they never stop till they've run through the whole works. When they
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