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Made into candy with Julia Brown, GA.
brown sugar for colds
and sickness.
Mixed with Jerusalem oak Manuel Johnson, GA.
to make a candy for
(continued )
192 Appendix C
Non-Plant Substance Medical Use WPA Source
Sugar (continued) Mixed with soda for Benny Dillard, GA.
unspecified use.
Sulfur For spring malaria and Darcus Barnett, TX.
common ailments.
Unspecified medical use. Nan Stewart, OH.
Worn to prevent disease. Willis Williams, FL.
Sweet cream Mixed with alum for Harriet Miller, GA.
poison oak.
Teeth Snake, alligator, and hog Harriet Collins, TX.
teeth worn around neck
for teething.
Thread Tie woolen thread around Winger Vanhook and
big toe for nose bleed. Henry Boraddus, TX.
Tumble Bugs Mashed into poultice for Winger Vanhook and
unspecified use. Henry Boraddus, TX.
Turpentine Used as a soak for snake George Briggs, SC.
Used for rheumatism. Tildy Collins, OH; and
Annie Ware, TX.
Mixed with sugar and Harriet Collins, TX.
placed over nail
Used for sickness, fevers, Irene Poole, AL; John
or colds. McAdams, TX; and
Adeline Willis, GA.
Bathe in turpentine and set Winger Vanhook and
on fire and then fan out Henry Boraddus, TX.
for sprain.
Put on tooth for ache or Annie Ware, TX; and Isiah
teething pain. Green, GA.
Take 15 drops for Annie Ware, TX.
Mix 10 drops in water for Annie Ware, TX.
Unspecified medical use. Mary Reynolds, TX; Ann
Hawthorne, TX; Fannie
Griffin, SC; Sam
Anderson, OK; Richard
Toler, OH; Solomon
Caldwell, SC; Everett
Ingram, AL; Fred Forbes,
NE; Green Willbanks,
GA; Salena Taswell, FL;
William Mcwhorter; GA;
Benjamin Henderson,
GA; Marshal Butler, GA;
Davis Mose, GA; and
Rachel Adams, GA.
Non-Plant or Herbal Treatments 193
Non-Plant Substance Medical Use WPA Source
Mixed with honey and Andy McAdams, TX.
onions to make syrup
for colds.
Combined with castor oil Annie Ware, TX.
for body soreness.
Taken 10 to 12 drops to Lu Lee, TX.
induce miscarriage.
Blended with poke root William Coleman, TX.
and lard to make salve
for sores, sprains, and
Turpentine Used as a cure for almost Anne Rice, SC.
any ailment.
Dip string in turpentine Solomon Caldwell, SC.
and tie around waist
and add knots each time
a chill is felt.
Combined with goat seed, Abraham Chambers, AL.
gourd, buckeye, oil, and
lobelia for sickness.
Mixed with onions and Alice Cole, TX.
honey to make syrup for
Used as drops for a variety George Womble, GA.
of ailments or applied to
sores and cuts.
Dip string in turpentine Ella Harris, AL.
and tie around waist
and tie knots every time
a chill occurs.
Mixed with roots of wild Dosia Harris, GA.
lettuce mixed with cider
beans, maple sap, castor
beans for sore throats
and colds.
Rubbed in nose for Ed Crump, MS.
medical purposes.
Used as a mouthwash to John Cole, GA.
prevent diphtheria.
Used for sore throats, cuts, Jim Allen, MS.
and bruises.
Used for sprains and bad Susan Mcintosh, GA.
Mixed with a piece of Robert Bryant, MO.
sugar for stomach aches.
Vinegar Mixed with a handful of Winger Vanhook and
red ants in an empty Henry Boraddus, TX.
whiskey bottle and
(continued )
194 Appendix C
Non-Plant Substance Medical Use WPA Source
Vinegar (continued) apply internally and
Added to clay and applied Harriet Collins, TX.
to sprains.
Mixed with anvil dust to Easter Wells, OK.
cure dropsy.
Mixed with hickory ash for Toy Hawkins, GA.
Whiskey Taken for cold and fevers. George Taylor, AL; Winger
Vanhook and Henry
Boraddus, TX; and Julia
Brown, GA.
Mixed with lemons for Charles Sandles, TX.
Mixed with herbs to Emma Lowran, SC.
prevent sickness.
Combined with snake root Lou Smith, OK.
and anvil chips to make
tonic for consumption.
Unspecified medical use. Nan Stewart, OH.
Mixed with garlic to make Mary Colbert, GA.
tea for worms.
Dried poke root put in Gus Smith, MO.
whiskey for rheumatism.
Mixed with sheep manure Joanna Thompson Isom,
and made into tea for MS.
Mixed with Sampson Ned Meridan Chaney, MS.
snake root as a daily
Mixed with poke root for George Henderson, KY.
unspecified reason.
Mixed with garlic for good Adeline Willis, GA.
Used for colds. Julia Brown, GA.
Wine For sickness. Charlie Davenport, MS.
Wood Lice Put in bag around the neck Della Fountain, OK.
for teething.
Woolen Rags Used with pine tar for Harriet Collins, TX.
burns and wounds.
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Bankole, K. K. (1998). Slavery and Medicine: Enslavement and Medical Practices in An-
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196 References
Boritt, G. S., ed. (1996). Why the Civil War Came. New York: Oxford University
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