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Try first to let him take the initiative.
Guys love it when they are challenged.
If you make it too easy they tend to loose interest.
Let him take the initiative instead.
Build up chemistry and fun and stay on the light, innocent and
casual flirting territory.
If you had a great time and want to see him again, when you are
about to go, turn to him, give him your number, smile, look at him
straight in the eyes and say: Call m e
As soon as you take that step, you enter into the seduction zone.
It is a significant shift and opens the door to a whole new world of
emotions between the two of you.
If for any reason, this strategy does not work, then sure, get his
email or phone number.
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How to flirt with men
Get him to dial your digits
The main reason a man would not take that step is because he
doesn t want to be rejected.
Before calling, they might think stuff like:
"She might think I'm clingy"
"Will I be intruding"
"She could be with someone"
"She's going to turn me off"
"It might be complicate"
"How will she respond?"
All the are doubts. If you want him to call, you need to give two
Make sure he understands you want him to call. Don't be
pushy. Simply look at him straight in the eyes when you give
him your number and say firmly with a smile: "call me".
Give him a taste of what he will get if he calls.
A man will follow his emotions.
Calling a girl is not a mental decision: it is an emotional one.
He'll call only if he is excited about seeing you again.
The goal is simple: remove anything which is unattractive in you
and wake up his senses.
He will take the decision to call you or not when he is chatting with
you when you meet him first. Your smile, attitude and radiance are
the qualities which will convince him.
If you are fun to be with and he is single, he will usually go for it.
Remember that there can be a dozen reasons for him not taking
steps which have nothing to do with you. If he is stressed at work,
focused on personal projects or simply not available, he might not
take the step.
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How to flirt with men
Be sure you don't have too high expectations and keep your options
open. Once there is a clear sign of interest on his side, invest
yourself, not before.
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How to flirt with men
Should you call him and ask him out?
If you gave him your number and after a week, he did not take a
step, give him a call and have a friendly chat. Don't say something
like: "What is happening, why didn't you call me?" This would be a
turn off. He owes you nothing.
So, call him and have a friendly and open chat. "How is life?". "I had
a great time the other evening".
Keep it light and fun. This is essential.
The goal is simple: It is to build up chemistry and have a nice
friendly conversation with someone.
Make sure it is the right time. Evening works better because during
day time, he can at work or have other priorities. Evenings are as
well more conductive for romance.
When you call, ask him first: "are you busy right now? Do I disturb
you in the middle of something?"
This question makes sure that he has time and focus for you.
If he plays aloof or does not seem interested in talking with you,
stay polite and respectful. Say something like: "Well, just wanted to
say hi! I have to go, now... Bye!"
If you two have good chemistry, say something like: "I'll be with
some friends at this cafe on Saturday... Meet me there if you want
An open invitation is easy to take for a guy. There is no
commitment. It is free. This usually works better than a formal date
It keep it light and flirty and gives you the occasion to get to know
each other without having the "formality" of a set date.
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How to flirt with men
If he already called you
Wait a few days and call him. It brings good balance and clarity
between the tow of you when you both take the initiative. This
strengthens the connection and he gets a clear signal that you are
If he left a message on your voice mail, return his call within 24
hours (the same day is even better if you can). Don't play games.
Don't sound either like you give your life to him on the spot. Stay
cool, have a friendly chat. Give space and time to know each other.
The biggest turn off in these early dating stages is to be demanding
or pushy. Love needs space to grow freely. Any form of control or
rigidity kills the magic.
Once you have a connection, the risk is to focus too much on each
other too soon.
Your connection needs to breathe. Do not asphyxiate it by calling
each other every day. Give it space. let it grow. Trust it!
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How to flirt with men
Ask him out
Build up first flirting excitement with the man you like.
If you directly walk to him and ask him out, it's like going from [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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