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ÿþ Truth in Lending
National Consumer Law Center
National Consumer Law Center
The definitive Truth in Lending treatise from the nation's TILA experts, now updated to include dramatic 2011 and 2012 changes.
" New Dodd-Frank legislation bans numerous mortgage abuses
" New FRB Rules restrict kickbacks to mortgage originators
" Special rules regulating higher cost mortgage loans just went into effect and other changes will be effective in 2012
" The Credit CARD Act and new federal Rules establish new restrictions on credit card abuses
" New teeth to regulation of HOEPA loans
" Statutory damages are now increased to $2000 for car loans, $4000 and up for mortgage loans, and $5000 and up for credit cards
" Extensive new disclosure requirements for credit cards, home equity loans, mortgages and other credit
" The leading discussion of TIL rescission rights that allow homeowners to cancel mortgages.
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