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advertising and marketing vocabulary
Chain of Command
Listening - brainstorming, discussion
Speaking - reporting commands
Grammar - direct and reported speech
Grammar - past perfect, reported and direct speech
Speaking - discussion
Signing a petition - Instant Workbook
Loans For Hope
Grammar - past perfect
Reading - comprehension, checking factual information
Writing - writing questions
Speaking - discussion, asking and answering questions
Listening - comprehension
Listening - listening and checking information
Vocabulary - prefixes, synonyms, economic vocabulary
Anna Grammar - Past Perfect - Instant Workbook
Grammar - past perfect, adverb
Grammar - past perfect
Loans For Hope
Listening - listening for gist, multiple choice, cloze listening
Vocabulary - prefixes, economic vocabulary
A Model of Self-reliance
You can see how disabled people in Bangladesh
are being helped through micro-credit loans; loans
Lunching Billionaire Style
to help individuals set up small businesses. We talk
Speaking - brainstorming, discussion to the CEO of a micro finance organization in the
Grammar - past perfect Pacific and we discuss whether giving financial is
Reading - finding the main idea, answering true or false questions, the best way to help developing countries. What do
filling gaps you think? Skills: Listening to a conversation,
Writing - writing a summary, peer editing writing an essay giving your opinion, completing a
Vocabulary - words related to charities and auctionsfrom context cloze, completing sentence transformations, looking
Grammar - will + infinitive for mistakes in grammar.
Lunching Billionaire Style
Money is the measure of success
Read about the richest men in the world giving
Listening - listening to identify correct tense
away their money and how the wealthy avoid raising
Grammar - past perfect and past simple verbs
spoiled brats. Only people who earn a lot of money
are successful. Do you agree?
A Micro $4 Billion
Skills: Writing an essay, reading comprehension,
changing word forms and answering short answer
Reading - predicting from a text, completing a table of information
Vocabulary - economic vocabulary, pair crossword
Grammar - identifying different verb tenses
* Selfaccess resources can be provided to your students as
Speaking - describing and solving a problem, asking and
part of a Gold or Silver annual membership.
answering questions, recounting ideas, checking factual For more information go to http://www.selfaccess.com or email us
information, explaining meanings of words
Writing - writing a factual advertisement
Listening - listening and checking information
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