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Page 63
SET 26 (Answers begin on page 140.)
Each of the numbered blanks (504 523) in the passage below stands for a word that has been
omitted. Read the whole passage to get an idea of what it is about, and then choose the word that
best fits in each numbered blank.
Some people say there is too little respect for the law. I say there is 504)________much respect
for it. When people 505)________the law too much, they will 506)________it blindly. They will
say, the majority has decided on this 507)________,therefore I must heed it. They will not
508)________to consider whether or not the law is fair. If they do think the law is
509)________,they think it is even more wrong to 510)________it. They 511)________that
people must not break the law but must live with it until the majority has been persuaded to
512)________it. For example, many people in Birmingham, Alabama, knew that the laws that
made black people 513)________up their seats on buses to white people were
514)________.However, it was not 515)________Rosa Parks (an otherwise law-abiding 516)
________) refused to stand up and so 517)________the law that change came about. I am not
saying that we should 518)________laws because they are 519)________to us. I am saying that
we must 520)________to our consciences first. Only 521)________should we follow the law. If
weknow in our 522)________that the law is wrong, it is our 523)________to break it.
504. a. very
b. too
c. over
d. not
505. a. respect
b. underestimate
c. obey
d. hinder
506. a. decide
b. believe
c. plan
d. follow
507. a. law
b. decision
c. candidate
d. minority
508. a. desire
b. think
c. stop
d. manage
509. a. righteous
b. wrong
c. tentative
d. just
510. a. discover
b. disobey
c. follow
d. respect
511. a. proclaim
b. believe
c. disagree
d. remarkbreak
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512. a. disobey
b. make
c. change
d. observe
513. a. build
b. give
c. move
d. look
514. a. seemly
b. expeditious
c. untried
d. unjust
515. a. without
b. unless
c. for
d. until
516. a. citizen
b. authority
c. expatriot
d. felon
517. a. mocked
b. heeded
c. defied
d. justified
518. a. refuse
b. provide
c. break
d. deny
519. a. disastrous
b. inconvenient
c. proper
d. agreeable
520. a. listen
b. follow
c. obey
d. march
521. a. then
b. later
c. now
d. first
522. a. deliberations
b. fashion
c. hearts
d. feelings
523. a. mistake
b. duty
c. desire
d. choicebreak
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Page 65
SET 27 (Answers begin on page 140.)
Each of the numbered blanks (524 543) in the passage below stands for a word that has been
omitted. Read the whole passage to get an idea of what it is about, and then choose the word that
best fits in each numbered blank.
Members of high-risk occupations like law enforcement and fire-fighting form tightly knit
groups. The dangers they share naturally 524)________them close, as does the knowledge that
their 525)________are sometimes in one another's hands. The bonds of loyalty and trust help
police officers work more 526)________.However, the sense 527)________loyalty can be taken
to 528)________.Sometimes officers believe that they always must defend their comrades'
actions. What happens though, 529)________those actions are wrong? Frank Serpico found a
disturbing 530)________to that question. Serpico joined the New York City Police Department
assuming that 531)________moral standards were 532)________of his fellow officers. When he
found out otherwise, he was 533)________with a dilemma: should he 534)________the trust of
his fellow officers by exposing the corruption, 535)________should he close his
536)________because loyalty to his fellow officers 537)________all other moral (and legal)
considerations? Serpico made his 538)________.Public attention was focused on police
539)________and the NYPD was improved as a 540) ________,but those improvements came at
a tremendous personal 541)________to Serpico. Ostracized and reviled by other officers, who
felt 542)________,Serpico 543________ left the force.
524. a. bring
b. pry
c. locate
d. launch
525. a. happiness
b. determination
c. situation
d. lives
526. a. rapidly
b. effectively
c. sporadically
d. masterfully
527. a. of
b. in
c. at
d. toward
528. a. finality
b. fortune
c. extremes
d. power
529. a. where
b. when
c. to
d. with
530. a. difference
b. answer
c. danger
d. querybreak
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531. a. moderate
b. careful
c. unidentified
d. high
532. a. typical
b. sufferable
c. random
d. vital
533. a. encountered
b. motivated
c. faced
d. procured
534. a. garner
b. produce
c. enrage
d. violate
535. a. but
b. or
c. that
d. yet
536. a. investigation
b. intrigue
c. trial
d. arrangement
537. a. brought
b. beleaguered
c. outweighed
d. hindered
538. a. mark
b. payment
c. choice
d. fortune
539. a. camaraderie
b. corruption
c. apathy
d. support
540. a. measure
b. moment
c. predicament
d. result
541. a. reprimand
b. depreciation
c. debate
d. cost
542. a. betrayed
b. enlightened
c. confused
d. concerned
543. a. effortlessly
b. eventually
c. carefully
d. expertlybreak
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Page 67
Section 3
The following section consists of eight sets of antonyms, or words with opposite meanings. Many antonyms
seem obvious (good and bad, night and day, noisy and silent), but others are not as easily recognizable.
This is because many words have more than one meaning. For example, the word clear could mean
cloudless or transparent or unmistakable. And, for each of those meanings clear has an opposite. If an
antonym isn't obvious, think about other possible meanings of the word. Also, don't be fooled by answer
choices that are synonyms. Remember that you are looking for a word that means the opposite, not a word
that means the same.break
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Page 68
SET 28 (Answers begin on page 141.)
544. Which word means the opposite of PROMPT?
a. punctual
b. slack
c. tardy
d. regular
545. What word is the opposite of DELAY?
a. slow
b. hasten
c. pause
d. desist
546. What word is the opposite of SOOTHE?
a. increase
b. comfort
c. aggravate
d. delight
547. Which word means the opposite of MODERATE?
a. original
b. average
c. final
d. excessive
548. Which word means the opposite of REVEAL?
a. disclose
b. achieve
c. retreat
d. conceal
549. Which word means the opposite of INITIAL?
a. first
b. crisis
c. final
d. right
550. Which word means the opposite of BRITTLE?
a. flexible
b. breakable
c. grating
d. thin
551. Which word means the opposite of CAPABLE?
a. unskilled
b. absurd
c. apt
d. able
552. What word is the opposite of STRAY?
a. remain
b. inhabit
c. wander
d. incline
553. What word is the opposite of DAINTY?
a. delicate
b. coarse
c. harsh
d. delicious
554. Which word means the opposite of CRAVING?
a. desire
b. repudiation
c. motive
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